When you support Smile Farms, you are part of something special: a community unwavering in our commitment to improve employment, vocational, and educational opportunities for people with disabilities.

Join our monthly giving program today and become a Perennial Partner to help seed and grow new Smile Farms campuses and initiatives!



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Why become a Smile Farms Perennial Partner?
Recurring monthly donations are an easy and affordable way for you to make a positive impact on the lives of our Farmers. Scheduled gifts provide the certainty needed for planning ahead and investing in the growth of our Smile Farms community.

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How do I become a Perennial Partner?
Choose a giving level above to make ongoing monthly donations automatically deducted from your checking or savings account.

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What if I want to make my monthly gifts offline?
You can choose to send a monthly check or give through your employer’s monthly giving program.

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How will my donation be spent?
We have provided examples of how your generous gift could translate to the work that we do. This is not a guarantee that your donation will go to that specific purpose, but we can assure it will go where the need is the greatest. All gifts will support the entire Smile Farms mission to create meaningful employment, vocational, and educational opportunities for people with disabilities at farms, urban gardens, and greenhouses in their local communities.